9 Ways To Get Ahead Financially in Nigeria in 2020

Everybody wants to reach a point in their life where they will never worry about money. And to be honest with you, it’s possible and achievable. Just that it will take time, and it will never happen overnight.

Real wealth usually takes time to grow and multiply, and the question is whether you ready to devote your precious time to the gradual attainment of wealth or not.

If yes, then what’s left in my opinion are some sound money mastery tips that can help you attain wealth. That’s exactly what I will be sharing with you in this article.

So let’s go:

9 money mastery tips that will help you get ahead financially in Nigeria

1. Get a scarce high in-demand skill

Photo by Branko Stancevic on Unsplash

This is one of the most important steps you can take in your life right now. Just by doing it, you have set the right foot that will instantly gear you towards success.

You see, in this life, your irreplaceability is very important. That is the difficulty in finding a replacement for you in everything you do. You need to learn and master a particular hot-in-demand skill that very few people can do. This is paramount to your success.

Only a fool will invest where everybody is putting their money. Similarly, you shouldn’t start what everyone is doing. A good example is the POS business. Right now, I can see it in almost every street corner. It’s already saturated. That’s a no-no business for me.

The next step after building a scarce high in-demand skill is to give a portion out of the income you earn.

2. Give a portion(1% to 10%) of your earnings out

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Giving is a natural principle. The more you give, the more you get from the universe. You must continue to give more and more of what you want to the world.

The problem I see with many people is that they refuse to give because they believe they have very little. That’s very wrong. You need to give your money proportionately. That is, giving between 1% to 10% of the money you earn no matter how small or big it is. Stop being a stingy dude. Closed hands receive nothing.

It’s the consistency that matters and not the amount. If you keep giving at a proportionate amount that won’t affect your business, work, or lifestyle, then you’re on the right track.

Moreover, money is not the only thing you can give. You can also give people your food, cloth, time, and affection but before you get to give all of that, first start with money that is proportionate to your income. Do that weekly or monthly.

3. Save a portion of your money (10% to 20%)

Save Regularly
Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

Make it a regular culture to save out of the earnings you make no matter how little it is. You can even start by saving 5%. It is the consistency that matters and not the amount.

According to Tai Lopez(a renowned Digital Entrepreneur), nature is unforgiving. It has a way of teaching the unprepared brutal lessons. So, as a result, we must always prepare for unforeseen circumstances.

The old nursery rhymes “Make hay while the sun shines,” explains it best. No season is permanent. You’ve got to make good use of a season while it last and prepare for the coming season.

Another insightful wealth-building book titled “The richest man in Babylon” also explains the principles of setting money aside in a great way. It advises individuals to save at least 10% of their salary for the rainy days, which will surely come.

Life is just not guaranteed and mother nature recently taught me that.

Mid August this year I took my grandpa to the hospital for treatment and the doctor guaranteed he just needed to undergo a small operation and all will be fine. The operation was successful but he died some hours later. Right there I learned nothing is certain.

You’ve got to make sure you’re prepared for whatever circumstances. Don’t be the fool that forgets to save in the good times. Such a person will be shocked when things changed overnight (in case of a market crash) and would have no option than to beg.

Besides, don’t just save all your money till it becomes millions. Take out of your savings regularly to buy a book, course, training, or seminar that will improve you. Buy things that will make you better than most people.

4. Start a side business in small simple steps

Start a Business
Image by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay

If your savings have accrued to a tangible sum, then it’s time to set up a side business in small simple steps. But be careful, don’t just go ahead and start a business that’s money and time-consuming.

Start small by identifying the simple step you can take to achieve that business without losing your current job/business and income. This very important.

If all you need is to start a blog or an Instagram page for that particular business in other to gain followers and customers, do it. If you need to partner with people or sell other people’s products, do it.

Just understand that you don’t have to start everything from scratch up at the very beginning. Look for the easiest way to start it without losing your job, income, or old customers. When you start seeing tractions and regular customers, you may now completely focus on it.

For instance, some of my side business is just selling other people’s quality products and services. I recommend platforms like Binance where people can buy Cryptocurrency and I get compensated for that.

5. Use Social Media and the internet to increase your income

Internet Marketing
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Everything in the world is going digital and now is the best time to become a global citizen and earn income across the world.

You can do this by creating content on one or two social media accounts or even a blog. All you need is to document your journey in a particular skill, business, or discipline. After which you promote your products, create books, and offer services like consultation, speaking, etc.

You can even create a YouTube Video Channel like that of 9jaCashFlow. You will be surprised to know how many more Business, Deals, and customers you can get from the channel.

You can also run online ads via Facebook and Google. Doing this will enable you to increase your customers, income, and revenue tremendously.

6. Invest some of your capital

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

When you start getting consistent income from your skill, business, and online presence, you can now delve into the world of investing.

There are two major types of investing:

  • Investing for cash flow: this is when you invest in income-producing assets like real estate, royalties, and even stocks of businesses that pay dividends on a monthly or yearly basis.
  • Investing for capital gains: This is simply buying things low and selling it at a higher price. It’s a viable business model if you have a cash reserve to buy things when the market crashes and sell when things get back to normal.

Before you venture into any of the above investments you need to first gain as much knowledge as possible. Find a mentor or buy a course about what you want to invest in. This will save you from losing your hard-earned money in an investment you don’t understand.

I write a lot about investing in cryptocurrency. If you’re interested, register on Binance, take my free cryptocurrency course here and message me on Whatsapp for further mentoring.

By the way, you shouldn’t take all your savings out and put it into a single investment. That can be a very fatal mistake.

Take this gradually because investment takes time to yield good returns and you should use this period to learn and become smarter at what you do.

7. Help others become successful

Help Others
Photo by youssef naddam on Unsplash

When you get your investment right, and you’re still earning income from your skills/businesses and putting money into savings, you can now start looking at helping as many people as possible to succeed.

You can start by mentoring serious-minded individuals around you scale their businesses.

Here you should make sure you don’t lose focus or drown yourself in other people’s problems. You’re to give tangible advice from your experience, maybe some monetary support. Just make sure everything you touch keeps moving forward, and if it doesn’t get out.

If people take this help for granted or try to sabotage your effort. You need to cut the relationship or the amount of time been devoted.

You should never lose focus.

8. Keep your expenses low

This is a very important finance tip that could save you from losing your hard-earned money and going broke.

We have what we call commensurate spending which is the constant increase in your expenses as you make more money. You need to avoid this by evaluating your income, expenses, liabilities, and assets every single month.

You can prepare and analyze your cash flow statement or get an accountant to do that for you.

9. Start or acquire a farm

Start a Farm
Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

This is not compulsory at all. I’m only adding it to the list because the future of the agricultural sector in Nigeria looks bright. We need more producers in our dear country.

The easy days are just over..

Robert T. Kiyosaki.

Oil price isn’t that encouraging and everybody can’t just sit in offices. We need more educated and business-oriented people in farming. In addition, while everyone is focused on saturated markets and industries, it’s best to take the lead and venture into an emerging and evolving market like agriculture. The upside is just too much.

Besides, you don’t have to start or run a farm. You can find an aspect of the agricultural value chain that you like and focus on it. It can be Agro-processing, Agro marketing, agro procurement, etc. It all depends on your choice.

At 9jacashflow we’re trying our best to impact as many Nigerians as possible. We have helped as many people buy farmland from verified agents in Ibadan, Oyo, and Ogun State. Feel free to message us on WhatsApp if you’re interested.


The bottom line of this article is that becoming wealthy takes time and you should focus on taking small simple steps that will take you to the next stage financially.

Start by mastering a hot in-demand skill that is scarce. Be generous to donate a portion of your income to the less privileged and have the humility to save a percentage of your income consistently. Otherwise, life will humble you.

Also, don’t forget to use your savings to improve yourself via seminars and resources that will make you better than the average Nigerian. Next, start a side business in small simple steps and use the internet and social media to your optimum advantage.

You’ve to invest part of your income and savings. Also, help as many people that you can help without losing focus and keep your expenses low relative to your income. And if you wish, run a farm or participate in the agriculture value chain in Nigeria.

One last thought, make sure you write out your plan on paper and documents your journey. What gets measured gets accomplished.


Don’t just read this post. Make sure you answer the following questions in the comments below👇. It will make you accountable.

  1. What’s the ratio of money that you’re saving regularly?
  2. How are you giving money to people?
  3. How are you keeping your expenses low?

See my response below. I’m patiently waiting for yours🤔.

Crypto & Digital Asset Advocate | Finance YouTuber | +234 810 185 0909


  1. I save over 40% every month and I try to give up to 10%. I do make sure I reduce my expenses to the barest minimum by identifying unnecessary expenses in my Cash Flow Statement.

    What about you?


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