Innovation and Regulation

In this article, I discuss the relationship between innovation, regulation, and mass adoption.

Innovation is simply the action or process of innovating.

It is creating a new method, idea, product, etc. that is much better or more efficient than the previous one.

Regulation on the other side is the action or process of regulating or being regulated.

It is a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority in a particular place towards a particular thing.

Regulation will always follow innovation, then we now have the masses joining(mass adoption).

It’s left for you to choose your point of entry, whether at the stage of:
A. Innovation(early adopters)
B. Regulation(government officials)
C. Masses(everybody)

I believe it’s much more interesting at the very beginning of the innovation when it’s just a small community and you all know yourself.

The mass adoption stage is also cool as you begin to see solutions and reiterations you never thought to be possible.

And as for the regulation stage…🤔

I didn’t want to say much about regulation but I will share what I have noticed.

More or unnecessary regulations lead to more innovations because the innovators can’t stand the regulators taking a huge chunk of their profit or manipulating their market for too long.

Do you agree?

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Digital Asset Advocate | Financial Market & Web3 Explorer | +234 810 185 0909


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