2022 Phone Number Database of Nigerians – State, LGA & Polling Unit
Are you a real estate marketer, online marketer, local business owner, show promoter, or politician in need of phone numbers of active Nigerians for...
Happy Independence Day Guys!
62% off all our premium resources
Choose any of the products below, and make a 38% payment to our corporate account(GTB: 0523458530 9jacashflow Education) then...
5 Keys You Need To Succeed Financially in 2022
If you want to be successful in 2022 then these 5 keys are for you.
Read through below and change your life for good.
1. Earn...
My Past 2 Months + Ronald Nzimora’s Best Business Tips.
Dear 9jacashflow reader,
Today makes it about 2 months that I posted on my blog and Youtube channel. And even though I'm not here...
The No 1 Rule Of Business: Find A Motivated Buyer or Hungry Crowd
Over time, businesses have changed. And what used to work in the past might not do well in the present.
I understand everyone has different...
Apply for Google’s Black Founders Fund: Up To $100k Equity Free Capital
Google's Black Founders Fund is Google's way of giving back to the black community in Africa. It's an initiative to give access to funding...
How To Survive An Economic Recession Or Depression
I have spent the last 2 years learning how to really survive an economic recession or depression.
Here is what I figured out from implementing...
15 Basic Business Principles You Should Know In 2022
Business is a constantly evolving space, however, here are some business principles and etiquettes that will stand the test of time.
I use to have...
How Financial Education Campaign Could Save Nigerians
It's obvious and crystal clear that many Nigerians are struggling.
But feel free to dispute that if you're a politician, banker, business magnate or someone...
9jacashflow High-Performance Nuggets in 2022
Happy New Year Guys!
Welcome to a great new year of abundant blessings and accomplishments.
I was going through my last year's (2021) journal and I...